Thursday, May 28, 2009

Who invented wine??

I've decided that I'm definitely the type of person where their mood depends on the weather.  It stinks.  it's been rainy for the past 3 days, and I've been in hibernation mode ever since.  It's weird.  I just want to drink and sleep.  Granted, I love drinking and sleeping. but what about dinner? Bathing? Exercise? Work?  There's all these things, that I can just do without.

Today, at work, I decided to put my foot down and make the running group to out for a jog today.  All is well, until we get there and it starts thundering and lightning.  GREAT! JUST GREAT!  I ride my brand new bike to work today, have to get a ride home because it's pouring out, and just when I think I've got it all figured out, I have to cook dinner! UGH!

I like white wine.  There's this wine that I just bought, from a californian vinyard.  Barefoot.  I'm sure many people have heard of it, but because I only consume local wine, I haven't.  Before I moved to DC, the only wine I knew of was franzia (my favorite boxed wine).  We used to hold and cradle the fetus. . . . No one will get that unless you're a beneboner. :)

Wine used to give me huge headaches, even after only having one glass.  Now, I drink wine almost nightly.  it's delicious!! Who invented wine??  i would like to congratulate them on their great discovery!!

I hate rain.  I love rain.  but I hate it when I'm dragging people out of their normal routine to go running.  Then, I hate it.  Weather is always working against me.  Today it's raining.  Last week it was too sunny.  Tomorrow it's going to be too humid.  Tuesday it's going to be windy.  It's always something.  I hate that it's always something.  just suck it up and run.  At least you showed up to running... some people don't even make it to the course.  It's not that bad of a course; it's only 0.5 miles around a lake.  A FREAKIN' LAKE!!  I wish I could have had that in pittsburgh.  We only had hills.  and steeper hills.  It was nice in Pittsburgh.  I like the area here better though.  there's more to do.  It's growing on me.  [[Don't tell Lee, he might get mad]]

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Day #1.

Dear Diary,

Vote for Anna for the "Host our Coast" Contest!! She's the perrrrrfect candidate!

PS. Hello, I'm Jeshi, and I plan on explaining myself at a later date. <3